Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hi Team Target!

We're on our way. We have raised over $4000 as a team! Congratulations!

Worried about that? Need to know where to start? Here are some of my favorite fundraising techniques and the link to many, many more from the RRR website.

Below that, you'll find a couple notes on training. It's not too early- training rides will start at the beginning of April, weather permitting!

Ride on! Wendy


The big trick. ASK. ASK EVERYONE. DON'T ATTACH TO THE OUTCOME. You don't need to decide if your friend has enough money to pledge you- ask. That person gets to decide. Some of my largest pledges were a total shock to me- I had NO idea that person had a child with HIV.

Please keep in mind that the money donated today, is used right away. The more you bring in now, the better for our beneficiaries. It is also a great relief to get most of your fundraising done now, before the outdoor riding season and training rides begin.

Here are some of my favorite techniques......

1) Update your RRR website and send email to all your friends, family and aquaintences.

2) Have a pledge party! Invite all your friends, family and co-workers. Invite a speaker to ask for you! (Yes, I will do that for you). For those who don’t attend, send them a follow-up with the link to make a donation for you!

3) Print out RRR donation business cards (template sent to you via email). Carry these with you ALWAYS. I talk about the ride to anyone and everyone, and pass one out if they show interest in pledging me. Just by talking about the ride, I’ve gotten pledges from aquaintences that I have accidentally run across and even total strangers- a waitress, the person in line next to you at the coffee shop……. Just have them handy to give away and see what happens!

4) Check out hundreds of tips and ideas on the RRR web site.

While you’re talking about the ride for pledges please invite your friends and family to ride or crew with us! We need lots of crew people to work during that weekend and come along with us!! There’s the motorcycle crew, Sweep/Routing, Pit stops, Medical- we need nurses and Dr’s, Massage Therapists…..etc.

· The season is approaching. You can expect training rides to start at the beginning of April, weather permitting. The training ride schedule is not populated on the website yet…..but, will be shortly.
· Is your bike purchased, tuned up and fitted to you? Erics is our official sponser… RRR’s get a 10% discount. What do I need to do to be ready? It’s all on the website:

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